A recap of 2020: the storm named COVID.

It must be admitted that the COVID storm shook the nautical industry during the last 12 months and pushed our sector to reorganize itself. If the boat rental sector has been strongly impacted by travel restrictions in most sailing areas, the sale of catamarans to private individuals has surprised by its resilience, and even its growth for some of us.

To be honest with you, even our teams did not expect such high demand. This year we have broken our historic record for boats sold in Europe and have already pre-sold more than 75% of the 2021 boats. This is a great gift you gave us to celebrate the brand’s 20th anniversary and its launch just ten years ago on the European continent. So we want to say THANK YOU.

Our crews have managed to stay the course and it is thanks to you. The reed bent but never broke. This summer, in the trough of the wave, we even passed the 2500 boats produced since our beginnings in 2001. Other good news, we have pre-sold to date more than ten Leopard 42s, while the hull n°1 has just left the shipyard in South Africa.

Surprising in a “normal” context, these results are hardly believable in the current context. We would therefore like to thank you, sincerely, for your confidence and all the exchanges we have been able to have with you in 2020.

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What’s to come in 2021: calm after the storm

Is the storm over? It’s hard to say, but the announcements about vaccines lead us to believe that the trade winds of 2021 are not far away. In any case believe us, we look forward to meeting you and presenting you with the new Leopard products.

If you are planning to buy a boat in 2021 or if you just want to discover our range of sailing and motor catamarans we advise you:

To make an appointment or ask a question, please call us on +33 (0)4 92 00 09 03 or fill in our contact form.

Can’t wait? That’s good, we’ve also prepared you :



In the meantime, the entire Leopard team wishes you all the best for the festive season.

See you soon,