Thanks to an innovative water purification technology, Leopard Catamarans offers a drinking water supply directly from the tap. Staying properly hydrated is a vital need, especially in the tropics. So doing so without having to carry dozens of packs of water and saving our planet the production and recycling of thousands of plastic bottles, deserved special attention.

When we look at the subject of water consumed on board our boats, the statistics quickly become overwhelming. Not all scientific studies agree on the exact volume of water that should be consumed daily to stay healthy. What’s more, the amount of water our bodies need varies according to our age, body shape, diet and climate conditions. However, in the sunny climate at most of our bases, the recommendation when provisioning is 1.5 litres of water per day per person. Whether it’s for a month of summer cruising, a two-week Caribbean break in the middle of winter, not to mention a happy sabbatical year, or even a retreat on the water, litres of water can quickly be counted in the hundreds, which means as many plastic bottles.

We are well aware that getting rid of this pollution will not solve the much more global ecological problem we face. But at Leopard, we are convinced that every gesture counts and that it is the accumulation of initiatives such as these that will make it possible, as quickly as possible, to significantly reduce our impact on the environment.




What we are also sure of, and in the very short term, is that we are saving you dozens of kilos of lifting, pushing, pulling and carrying. Forget also the headache of finding a place for all this volume… of water!

The increasing presence of water makers on board has made the freshwater resource almost boundless. The water resulting from the osmosis process is in fact perfectly pure, H2O strictly chemically speaking. As it does not even contain any trace elements, unlike the mineral waters that can be found in the shops, you will have to ensure that you have an even more varied diet to compensate. But on board our catamarans, it is actually fed into the usual freshwater tanks.



We have therefore placed a water purifier between these and an additional tap in the galley. The large refrigerators on our motor catamarans are also connected to the water purifier. This is not a simple filter, but a technology developed by General Ecology called “Structured Matrix”. [A first microfilter retains any contamination with bacteria, parasites, toxins, and of course any residue down to 0.1 micron. Then a broad-spectrum molecular capture technology traps any organic or chemical substance (pesticides, herbicides, solvents, chlorine…) as well as any smell, taste or colour. Finally, molecules and colloids in suspension (lead, mercury, phenols, chloroform) are eliminated electrostatically.] Without chemicals or electricity, the Seagull IV filter eliminates all microbiological risks and chemical contamination and produces water that is as crystal clear as drinking water.

The pressure at the outlet of the elegant tap provides a flow rate of 7.6 litres per minute, so no one has to wait longer than necessary to fill their personal water bottle. Finally, the cartridge installed under the sink has a purification capacity of 8,000 litres. The life span of the cartridge varies from region to region depending on consumption and the characteristics of the water contamination. However, it is recommended that the cartridge be replaced annually and rinsed before prolonged periods of non-use to avoid excessive accumulation of contaminants. 

This water purifier is a real improvement for your cruising, giving you more comfort, autonomy and safety, while significantly reducing your ecological impact. We are so convinced of this that it is available on all Leopard catamarans from now on.