Whether to take delivery in South Africa or in Europe? That is the question. As multihulls have gained in popularity over the…
Have a look for yourself Leopard is pleased to announce the latest version of our award-winning sailing catamaran, the Leopard 45. The…
A recap of 2020: the storm named COVID. It must be admitted that the COVID storm shook the nautical industry during the…
The Leopard team is very proud to announce that the brand new 53 Powercat has won the Multihull of the year! It…
Over the last few weeks the entire team at Travelopia Yachts have been focused on the safety and well-being of our employees…
Keeping true to the standard of the Leopard brand and our strong desire to continually innovate, in addition to taking into consideration the feedback…
Evolving from 50 years of customer feedback, Leopard Catamarans has pooled their expertise with builders Robertson and Caine to design today’s Leopard range: spacious, robust, performance-driven blue water cruising catamarans.
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