THE LATEST from our world

From Fighting Fires to Flying Jibs: Soulmates Set Sail on a Leopard 45

August 19, 2021

August 13, 2021

This Key West-based couple is currently keeping stress at bay by “sailing the world one island at a time” on their Leopard…

August 3, 2021

Cruising in the Caribbean and Bahamas there definitely is no shortage of fresh fish and Caribbean and American staples to choose from…

July 13, 2021

Joshua Mann was the quintessential young man in a hurry. Now he’s ready to slow down ”” sorta.   The serial entrepreneur started…

June 1, 2021

Sailing is an adventure, and all adventures should be taken seriously. Proper planning is key to ensure that you and your guests…

May 25, 2021

Does your Leopard bucket list include epic journeys and passages, the kind of trips that take weeks, months, or even years to…

May 19, 2021

Jonathan Zuk has jammed a lot of sailing experience into the past few years. Since learning to sail in 2016, the successful…