How to Maximize Your Boat Show Experience

Sailing Family of Six Pursues a Life Less Ordinary

Happy days are here again! Unless you are a member of the Fothergill family, of course, then happy days have always been here for this family of six. Or at least since 2017 when they decided to cast the lines on their conventional(ish) lifestyle and opted for something more fulfilling.
Be Ready for Anything with These Six Emergency Tools
Expect the best, plan for the worst ”” and prepare to be surprised. That venerable bit of wisdom sums up the perfect mindset for outfitting your Catamaran with safety equipment.
The Chief Designer at Roberson and Caine on the Leopard 46 PC
Designing the next model in a successful new range of boats can be an unnerving task. And the Project Brief for creating the Leopard 46 PC was unequivocal: This new power catamaran had to offer the very best comfort and performance compared to the best of its competitors.
A Life of Freedom for Mike and April
Taking the time to focus your attention and finances on the things that matter the most is generally why people choose a minimalist lifestyle. And for Leopard Catamaran Owners, Mike and April, what matters the most to them is spending time together and traveling.
Must Have Space-Saving Galley Tools From A Professional Yacht Chef
Whether you are new to the cruising lifestyle, been doing it for years, a weekend pirate or a sell-it-all-and-sail-off-into-the-sunset-forever type, there is one thing we can all agree on: Just as vast and limitless the horizons, sunsets and stars are out on the water, the opposite applies to the inside of your new home. […]
A Day in the Life of a Sailboat Model
Marketing Coordinator by Day, Yacht Model by Night As a new college graduate in 2019, I never expected to land such a cool gig as my first job in the “real world.” Two years ago, I was just a kid looking for someone to hire me in the midst of a global pandemic. Boy, did […]
All You Need to Know About Entering or Reentering the U.S. by Boat
Much as Leopard owners love the open seas, sooner or later, we must make landfall. If your cruising itinerary calls for a stop in the United States ”” as homeport or port of call ”” you’ll want to be up-to-date on the country’s current requirements and procedures for entry and reentry.
From Fighting Fires to Flying Jibs: Soulmates Set Sail on a Leopard 45
It is said that when you finally meet your soulmate, they will bring on a feeling of complete euphoria. The part of your brain that’s associated with addiction lights up because falling in love releases dopamine, the hormone responsible for reward. In turn, you’ll only see the good things about your soulmate, while any […]
Ask a Leopard Owner with SV Thick Chick
This Key West-based couple is currently keeping stress at bay by “sailing the world one island at a time” on their Leopard 40, SV Thick Chick. As you read this, Steph and Marji are cruising, where their biggest worry is whether today’s underwater wildlife pictures will be as stunning as the ones they took yesterday. […]